What is the cause of all diseases and various dependency?
The cause of disease is simple - it's ”a wall” between Life and man. The mind of a person reaches a great activity ...it becomes full of doubts, scrolling situations of the past and the future, nothing related to the present. The mind is cowardly and selfish. It wants the way it wants and when the mind takes possession of the person, it builds a wall between him and Life, making him feel isolated. Life stops circulating through the person and he becomes as a stagnant swamp, starts to rot. That is the cause of all diseases. This is oncology, chronic disease, lung disease. Chronic diseases do not come immediately, first there appears some kind of aggravation. The nature gives a push to make us think, tells us for how long and dreary it may be. But people do not take it seriously, often using only some drugs, which can only slightly slow the disease, making this wall a little thinner for awhile and thus giving the person relief for some time. But medicines should be taken constantly ... and how many toxins are there ... so we acquire new diseases.
I am not in any way against the medicine. Of course, it is better to use medicines made of herbs. They act more slowly, but they are not toxic. It is very important also who makes the medicine ... it is like food ... if lovingly prepared - one taste, if hatred - something completely different.
There are people who become dependent on some things. These are strong depressants, drugs, alcohol, gambling. What’s happening? Thus people inhibit their mind when they’re playing or drinking. Thus, the wall is partially removed and they are approaching the state of “Now”.
I am operating with such terms that are on our website. The state of “Now” is when all energy of the mind is focused on watching and listening, perceiving, feeling. It is the state when the mind stops thinking. We learn to switch it off. And if we learned how to do it, then we continue the conversation already about the Real worlds, i.e. about the real perception of Life. This is a very comfortable state.
Drug addicts often come to such state. The stronger the drug is, the stronger the state of “Now”, and the person feels comfortable. Life is circulating through him at this moment ... for a short time. But this is an artificial option, very toxic and destroying. And people become dependent, because the state is great. People cannot come to the less or more deep state of “Now” themselves. Of course, people can try to live with the wall they have, but must not only slow the mind artificially, but also befuddle themselves by some kind of medication. They do not see a way out of this state. People, who several times have tried it, cannot come out of this dependence. They become dependent for the whole life. People like the state of “Now”, it is good, but they may get it only through special preparations. People are ruining their lives and are willing to pay all for it. A drug addict would sell everything for it. There is no value more important than this state. And if he does not take drugs, his body begins to react badly – it begins breaking. The state of “Now” is wildly cool for the body.
Now we offer people to learn to do it themselves. We help to gradually remove the wall and enter step by step into a deeper state of "Now". Here's the idea around which we are spinning. It is incredibly simple. Yes, it's work, but around Life.
People who have severe disease (for example, cancer patients) - if they manage to remove the wall at least partly, Life begins to circulate through them and their oncology disappears.
We are not talking now about such things when a person sits in a wheelchair, or paralyzed.
Every illness is a good teacher. Life does not want to break us. It wants to teach us to make the wall thinner. And if we are too stubborn, then there appear all sorts of things that make us realize that we came into this life not to deal with all that garbage, which we all are doing here, but for other purpose.
After all, a child comes to kindergarten not to play, but in order to grow up and go to school. The game is not the purpose in itself and the child understands this also. Today he completely does not remember what he was playing yesterday. Process of the game is necessary for him to mature. We play the same games.
... Everything is around the practice - how to teach people to gradually prepare the whole their body so that they could enter into this state, and enjoy it. This is hard work, i.e. going through an internal path (the thinning of the wall) into the spiritual dimension. And it is very hard. And the more man is cosmically adult, the more it is difficult for him.
Each of us can get in those situations where people around will be sorry for us (different accidents). But “a brick does not fall on head for no reason” ("The Master and Margarita").
But Life is very fair. You just should be able to listen to it. That is why doing practice we spend so much time to recruit the Silence. That’s why we have so many stages of training. The practice consists of different aspects to remove the various parts of our "wall". ...
Each new life we choose, depending on what we have understood in this one. I.e. depending on how much we’ve thinned the wall. In next life we keep making it thinner from the same point. And it is impossible to get away anywhere from this school of life.
Everything in this life we should do ourselves. No one will do anything for us – nobody can breathe for us ... and deal with Life too. ...
Not necessary to break out with the medicine too soon. It removes the consequence and it may be the necessary assistance for some time but if to remove the cause at the same time, then we can achieve very good results. One does not contradict the other. This firstly concerns oncology, chronic diseases. In general, there are no incurable diseases. Everything can be fixed. The main thing if people will have time to remove the wall. It depends on their desire.
Based on this there are all the miracles of the saints. As Christ healed people, which were possessed by demon(that is an incurable mental illness). He hugged them or imposed his arms on them, and so transmitted his aura. And since Christ did not have the wall people got into his aura, and so through them rapidly began to circulate life. Thus, anybody could be cured.
Teaching the practice, we teach to live in this state. We do not give temporary relief as a healer. We teach people to move further in life. We learn not to fall into the bad circumstances further.
The idea of centers and monasteries: let us not dissipate our strength and attention to every garbage but focus on the main thing and achieve results. ...
Genady Givin |