Vera Larionova
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Vera Larionova

My spiritual search began in 2013. The landscape of that beautiful evening remained distinctly imprinted in my memory: the beach, the sunset, the sound of waves. Still a feeling of some dissatisfaction, emptiness, the presence of which seemed completely odd, did not allow me to fully enjoy the evening.

There was a disturbing  question about the meaning of life and there was a desire to understand why everything happening in particular way, what  is the purpose of us  coming into this world ? And so my search has begun.  At first it was thematic literature (Castaneda, V. Megre, E. Tolle), then all sorts of trainings, seminars. In February 2014, I flew to find answers in Peru at the shamanic ceremonies of Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Tamaskal.   After I received that experience it became much easier - many questions have cleared up, new sensations and understandings have came. I was feeling myself on a wave, in a stream, the world was responding, I have become alive again. New people started appearing in my life and the events evolved in an extraordinary way, there was a sense of synchronization with the whole universe. But happiness was short-lived)). A few months later, the search state and new questions reappeared. There was a feeling that something important was missing, and it was this bridge between what I have experienced in Peru and the life I was living. I wanted to return to these feelings again, but how?!

And by chance, a spiritual practice came into my life. A complete stranger invited me to Yoga of Quietness class. I went to the first class and then the second.  On some inner intuitive level, this practice seemed familia, so the desire to continue and deepenen the knowledge have appeared by itself.

I'm in this practice for three years and so much has happened during this time!

And the most important - a feeling of life has appeared again. I finally found out how I can express myself and help other people. Life  started introducing me to like-minded people – who later on formed our team, we are as one whole organism. The process of awakening, the transition to a different perception here is more gentle, we help each other, support and motivate)). I feel very grateful to our Teacher Gennady Givin for his work and patience!

These three years were not easy at all, selfish ego did not give up so easily)). But it was worth it!!!

After awakening, perception of life changed dramatically. An understanding has come that everything in life simply happens and that everything is right and in its own place. That I live in every moment and as if present, watch, feel, experience from my body, which, like everything around, is simply part of what is happening. There was inner calmness and some kind of childish joy. Overall, I began experiencing many sensations like the ones I had in childhood: pure sensations, when you just perceive everything as it is, without analysis and resistance.

Now, together with other students of the school, we continue to study, because this is only a beginning of the path. And also we are organising meetings-satsangs, workshops, retreats and closed courses, allowing the same seekers to touch this knowledge, to get their experience and begin to LIVE!


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