The Little World that we created
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The Little World that we created
Chapter 1

It seems clear that the meaning of our life is not to built some personal obstacles that prevent us to live , prevent the life-force to circulate in us. Moreover, in this world we create a small world of our own! This is work, family, any relationship, friends, relatives, pretty much other.. Now look where is the mistake of all human beings and yours too. All people factually work only on their own little world, trying to improve it, enhance, and somehow decorate. This is not bad. But the mistake is that it becomes the purpose and meaning of life, it becomes the main thing..
Well, I have a vacation, then do spiritual practice and  try with even better efforts to invest into my own little world. This game is losing!

Through this little world I am starting to be educated because it is a product of my personality and my mind. I will be either taken away my little world or offered some other options. I will worry, build something… I will even get aversion to it, it could annoy me..Well, different options. But the little world is given to use it for some forward movement. If I begin to act this way, then the little world is good for me!..

The first step is when I put my personal interests in the second place. The first thing is my movement There. Then the success of this little world immediately begins to develop in some other rules. It becomes not that much as the mechanism of my education and more as the means of my development and people beside me. These are my children, parents, relatives, friends, staff at work.. no matter who. That is the main contradiction and problem! Externally that is not noticed… This is an internal decision. And if thus treated, this is a win-win option!
Otherwise, I will fight to the death-bed, and play with my little world to the cemetery. And life will then take away this little world , or make to correct it. I will spend a lot of strength and energy because for me, this is the meaning of my life, it fills my emptiness…

And after spending heaps of energy: emotional, physical, mental, I thus release energy for my development. But it is only a speed of society. Here is the basic mistake of everybody!

Now I begin to look differently at everything, I’m trying to use the little world for my development, i.e. I change my attitude to it. That is, it becoming not an aim but a means…

The little world after all is always unsatisfying for us (like getting sick and bored with wife, children became adults, work is already a thorn, no even talk about love). We must do something to change the situation. The little world provides only some temporary success, which we have through terrible efforts. The little world will never give me what I want first.

A soon as I change my attitude towards it , the educational function of the little world is removed. When the little world becomes a means , but not an aim, when I internally refuse of the priority of the little world, everything changes.  This should be a good internal review and understanding. The priorities are changing… Then here begins the game by other rules. As usual, family relationships improved , relationships with relatives get better… much changes at work or new work offered. All this is no longer a mechanism of education. And this does not make me to spend a huge amount of energy (some excitement, anxiety, fears that I have something to lose, complaints I earn poor and etc.) It must be well understood and experienced and not deviated from this.
Life begins to realize that dialog with it is in the first place. I fit the little world as my manual for movement there – in the depth of life. That’s the difference! Then my dependence of this little world begins to decrease. This is the first step.

I want you to understand this and begin to explain to other people, who are hitting the ice as a fish and can not get any results. Take any country or city. Of all people you may find a millionth of a percent which are satisfied with what they have. And life will never give people what they want, or do give it but for a very short time, then take it away.. so that to make a person produce the energy for moving forward. No one is going to carry us on the hands in this life.

When the movement becomes conscious, the rules of the game are changing! But not immediately. Because sometimes I may come off again- it is usual for me. These role-playing games are usual for me, and sometimes I get into them automatically again. At work I am such and such, at home I play another role, among friends and relatives I am again different. We have to come off of these games but it is hard. But as soon as the coming off happens, the game starts to go completely different rules. Then we can achieve some results, to claim something. Otherwise, we’ll play the game to the cemetery.
If you look at the life of any man of 40, you get sure that he is in the middle of the game. It begins from loosing health, from various troubles, divorce.. but we all do want some happiness, some satisfaction from this little world, we want some feedback from it. But it gives no feedback. We begin to blame everything and everyone: friends, work.. Our children start playing the same game because they are not satisfied by us in something. We offer them to play in the same little world!

When this little world becomes second place for a man, then as usual the positive changes are immediately noticed by his relatives. And they often even do not need to practice. They see changes in him and get attracted by this …he becomes the authority for them. Either they begin to practice themselves, or begin to help him. The elderly mother realizes that she is growing only due to her communication with her son. She can not explain it but it is just nice for her to communicate with him, she feels it by her heart. A large number of people have passed through it. Some radical changes often happen. Most come for advice, even older people, relatives. He has some opportunities opened, he feels life better. People feel his power.

Because while I am carrying with myself, this is worthless. This is a personal level. Today a person is, and tomorrow – not. Every person is mortal, and suddenly. A sudden sickness – this is a very quick process. But when the movement to There is in the first place for me, I keep getting support from outside, I become stronger! I am consciously moving and using all my knowledge about this little world. I do not refuse it in principle, it just starts to play a secondary role for me. I can always talk heart to heart with someone out of my loved ones, they always go to my meetings, always help when necessary.  Thus, they are growing too, some of them will also want to do such things but it is quite enough that somebody of you does it. They will receive a good deal due to communication, they will go to communicate with you at any reason, quickly building relationships. Of course, it would be good that wife or girlfriend is also engaged into the practice. It is hard without this. Some guys grow very fast and accordingly they change their friends. They keep in touch with their old friends , but interests are not the same, like with former classmates. At the institute you have new friends, then other friends at work and so on. Here is something like that. Well, parents are parents, same with children, not necessity to break off.

It is necessary that you understand it clearly and be able to tell. While I work on my little world, nothing will change, and most of the world population does not understand this and thus suffering. We should be able to explain everything.

The fact is that I suffer and bet with my little world – it is just what my life needs! Because otherwise, we do not want to understand anything. The purpose of life to stop us and make think of how to live further. Building a new world? But in the new one will be the same. Well, wife will be prettier, richer.. This new world will work on me the same just in some other way until I understand the main. And the number of people beating with their little world is enormous. That’s the problem!

Chapter 2

Life wants to talk to me directly but not through this little world of mine. But I am trying to talk to life hiding behind work, family members… do you understand what’s going on? Hiding behind well-being of children, parents, behind their health.. We are getting stick in all this and just can not get rid of this. Hard to pull and can not send it. And so it is going on to the cemetery. 

There must occur internal changes. The little world should not satisfy people, that’s not its task. The problem should be solved inside people. People should feel intuitively how to use this or that situation for their development. No prepared options here.
Most situations are beginning to adjust. Life has one purpose – to have us open towards it , to bring us to dialog with it but not have us distracted by “toys”. And we need “the toys” for helping them and moving forward. However, if “a toy” rebelled and said: ”Go another side, I love my little world!”, then of course I leave it and that’s all. )) Well, if “the toy” is very close to me , I certainly try to talk to her (or him) from heart to heart several times .. But if she (or he) really does not care, then there is no help – our ways will diverge. And there is nothing terrible in this. There are enough relatives we have not seen for years. Interests diverge… We do get other friends. Same attracts the same. Level of communications becomes qualitatively different. Otherwise, you will get into a deadlock, depression and complete disappointment.

For example, older people often live for children, grandchildren, for something else, and they are completely disappointed with life. And many people live for the name of the party, religion.. Well, what can I say? ...All this is a waste of time and energy.

I would build a new house, do so-and-so, and after that I’ll live. And again we forget that we are not in the present. This is a vicious circle. It will always be so… and I will never live. I will always think that everything will change soon: my wife will love me, children will remember about me… but I do not live – I always hope on something. And it gives me the strength to survive another number of years…

And when this little world begins to collapse (children grew up and left me, wife left me too), we become ill. Every life is practically like that. This must be changed, it is necessary to explain this to people.

Look how much elder people are not satisfied, they are looking for somebody to blame, they are lonely and nobody needs them… The little world betrayed them. It turns out that life is bad and unfair. But simply life starts to hurry people…

The little world will never give me peace in my heart, because I do not want to talk to life!
I want to hide from it behind this little world. And then, life begins to shake this little world. That’s the idea. It’s simple and works like a clock! And how much fate is broken, how many relationships ruined, no count… just because everyone has his own personal relationships. The little world is also personal. Everyone defends his point of view. Someone envies someone, someone revenges someone, someone wanted to become a chief…IT IS SUCH A DELIRIUM!!!

You need seriously to get rid of this. And it does not mean that now we have to play tennis and   go to the bath on Fridays. Doing it, I will not be changed as a person. We need radical changes in relationships with life, which is Practice. This is not reading books on the subject and not even writing books on the subject. This is a practical thing. Practice is a set of knowledge of how to prepare the organism to the periodic exfoliation of personality because the personality has many layers. And thus the thickness of the wall between me and life will be getting thinner all the time. The Practice teaches us to do all this without any philosophizing. If it is taken by intellect, then there is little for us to understand. The Practice can not be taken by mind. It prepares body to ever deeper entry into life. And when a person comes into life deep, that’s when he can be called a HUMAN. Until that we are humanoids…swarming something)).

… We already lived lots of such lives and played the same way.. There were nightmarish lives, more or less normal lives, but we never were absolutely happy (even if we ruled the empire). There was always something to infringe us, to make us move forward and review our life. This is the law and impossible to evade it by paying money or through connections, or somehow else…

In the first phase of awakening a very small part of personality exfoliates. The perception of life becomes different, not that much different from the previous, but still different.

Exfoliation of the next part of the personality is the second phase, which is harder… there must be a very good work over yourself, a good review. At this point you already begin to interact with the following links of mind. Intellect here plays only an auxiliary role, and often does go away at all. And there is only conscience to communicate with life. Life is perceived quite differently, and all life situations become fine-tuned to you.
The third level, we do not discuss here at all …impossible to say something by words)).

… The level of pure consciousness is often confused with the first phase of awakening. Many people go over only the pure consciousness level (remember the circle we drew) and often already do not get out of the circle. There must be a lot of work to get out of it. If there is not such work , then there is no movement.
During the second phase of awakening begins a tight relationship with the higher links of mind, with the world of consciousness. And it is very interesting! In principle, this relationship can be obtained even before the first phase of awakening. And if even a few people in the team have such a connection, it radically changes the situation.

…There are strong ties, for example, for women it is a family (children, husband). She looks at this little world not as at game, but as at something very serious. She gives all her energy, herself to this little world.  And if she is given an opportunity to remember her previous lives, where she wasted her time the same way..and give her to look forward a little – to see how she is going to waste it again, she will no longer want to play! But the difficulty is that she does not know the way out!!! She should find it by herself and come out consiously.

„Genady, and there is such an opportunity to show this to people?” .
There must be willingness to hear it , and desire to look for. All depends on people’s space age , and quite strong true self , ready to break out...and people looking for. They are not happy with this little world and do not want to play these games.
In Practice, there is such a moment... give people to feel that this is theirs... they must feel that developing themselves, they are changing their little world along the way. They do not need to send it! Just feel inside that this is an adjuvant. And Practice gives such a possibility. The Practice is not meant for people who are fully indifferent, and fed up with life . It can be given to feel to anyone, just need a little time.

People begin to realize that the little world where they live in is very small , and they will want to break from this, move on, using their little world as the potential for moving forward and not get stuck in it. It takes patience.

… Many people think that they are special. “Here I will built my little world so that I certainly do not have my time wasted, it’ll be fundamental! I would reach such heights(!) in painting, in arts, in government. And then I certainly would not waste my life .” But this is nonsense. They do not understand the essence. The way out is this movement into the depths of life!

Chapter 3

People must have enough mature mind to understand, that a game in which they play (strengthening, building and defending their own little world), is a dead end. They must somehow come to this. Before taking people well into circulation, life is giving them the cue and pushing them to it.

People, who believe that they have difficult but still happiness in their families, do not even imply that this little world is not meant for happiness. They do not have enough sleep, they bring up a little child… they get some improvement at work, there may be an apartment for them to buy… that all is  - live in the future. And for some short period of time they seem that their happiness is realized. But it is impossible to build a paradise in a particular apartment))). So here we just must wait until the people’s common sense wakes up. They will look around and understand that they are not an exception in this world, and if they do not evolve and move themselves toward life, then they will be moved. And yet they just generate a certain amount of energy of which is more or less enough for them to move in the forefront of society.

People have very narrow view of things… they do not live in the present moment… they live in the past or the future. Here we just need a common sense: the little world is not meant to make us happy! And we have had so many people flying past on this! Even people, who were engaged in spiritual practice, still continued to strengthen all-powerfully their little world. And it was pointless to tell them this. ..
Someone found a new job, another had a child born, someone got divorced, another married, etc. etc. It is an endless song. That is just runningaway energy for a minimum speed for moving ahead. That is some mechanical and unconscious movement with no future.

Sooner or later, people come to a deadlock, where is depression and pessimism. Some generally come down and lie because they do not know what to do, not realizing stupidity of this game. And they do not know how to get out. It’s usually people who have already lived in the world and just got tired of this senseless game. And there is no matter how much they strengthened their little world, it still did not bring the satisfaction they expected. This is a rule. The little world is our trainer… It is an illusion, a game. And people should understand this.

As soon as people realize it and begin to prove it by doing, begins an alteration. Until people did not understand this and work on their personality, on themselves - this is a game of mind. And then everything will happen again in a new life. In short, the more stupid, the longer this process continues. No exceptions. Just one life is more nightmarish than other, the third is, well, more or less as compared to previous. That’s all the difference.

… There are people cosmically very immature, which will not even listen to you. They are just not mature enough, they feel good in their little world. They are not ready for a serious talk. And here you just need some patience to give them some things to feel. There are people who feel and catch this condition and are ready to go further, but some do not.

It is impossible to hide in the little world. Money, yachts, alcohol will not help. Happiness can not be bought by money, through friends or family connections. There are people who see their spiritual development in attending the theatre, or in doing some yoga asanas, martial arts or qigong, in traveling to Tibet every two years, or in singing psalms… That all is also filling an emptiness, the same little world, all is unconsciously! Because essentially there is no purpose, it’s unclear what’s the task! People are not seriously configured and they run away to escape the problem by doing different exercises (breathing, yoga and other), and calling this by spiritual practice. It’s all nonsense. This is a game in spirituality. Spiritual tourism. One trip, another trip, there was a dedication, there was a talk with someone. But they do not understand what life wants from them, there is no purpose, they do not understand.

They need someone who can help them to feel some moments. But until there is no desire to do it, but there is a desire to hide behind some things, it’s all very silly…
As there are guys in our club who come here and pay some fees, patching up a little their little world so that it is not pressing them quickly. This is a self-deception that they are doing something for their development. But in reality nothing special is happening. People are waiting for the moment when the thunder clap – then they start baptizing )).
… So that some great sorrow must happen to make me stop and understand what a fool I am!
Either the person is given a deadly disease and a cemetery in front of him. Here, too, is a review of all… what I have done over the years?.. What have I understood?... Oh, nothing! Only got angry, became a cynic, I do not believe in anything … that’s my whole life… And in my next life all will be the same. Well, maybe an involucel will be better, but the content is everywhere the same, without exception.
And if a man is alone with himself, he would confess the above-mentioned, no matter how he has been successful in this world, even if he is a movie star, a supermodel or a president, it does not matter. The little world is created for education. All depends on people’s space age and efforts they do, on common sense… after all we have to step back from time to time and reconsider some things…

And if I go like a tank, I need a stone wall to stop me and then I lie down somewhere and then begin to seek the way out.. Wars are also given for this rethink. No one specially sends any curse on us. And all the astral pits and holes are just bullshit!!! )))

….A psychic field, which we have created ourselves by our own games, heats up so much that is to be discharged through the same disasters. No need to wait for disasters. We stir up the situation by our negative thoughts, emotions. The psychic field is increasing and must be discharged…

 The way out for any nation to a smaller sup sorrow is to create spiritual centers!
We need people. People who are “burning” for this! And then it makes sense… the meaning of life. After all, look how many children die. Of course, we must also correct a consequence, it is necessary to put out fires, we need an army, doctors, no one says that’s not necessary. But if you do not fix the reasons, all that is pointless. You will receive all the new and emerging issues, that’s all. It is necessary to “irrigate roots”, then it makes sense. A rush with “every dry twig” is useless. And people cannot understand it. Because everyone is busy with their personal and can not become happy, and makes others very unhappy. It’s all world of mind. This is the wall that does not give life to circulate through us.

… All people are equal. There are no chosen people.
… Developing ourselves, we help develop the people around us.

Genady Givin

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