Development of consciousness is a system of education
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Development of consciousness is a system of education
- Europe is getting mature ... In the 19 and 20 centuries Europe noticed in its colonies that  people took the highest ,as they seemed, from the spiritual practices - different blissful states. All believed that blissful states were the purpose of life, the peak, but it is not even the embarking on the Path. This is only training of the body to the embarking on the Path.
Then Europe began to grow, and the talk was about the consciousness and now we are talking about the first phase of Enlightenment. In a short time everyone will understand that there is also a second phase, and then everyone will hunt for the third ... But many thousands of years ago there already was a talk about how to deal with life on the level of consciousness.  The mind - is the most primitive part of the consciousness, and we must use a higher level of consciousness to communicate with our Life. Those who know how to do it, we call the aliens, as they have a higher level of development! We must learn this in our life.

 And all the blissful states, bifurcation, different exfoliation of the personality, which are called as first, second, third phases of Awakening - it is only steps on the Path to go on the level called - "Man - Apprentice."
Learn at the level of the mind, this is a slow and tedious way. But when we increasingly start to use the consciousness then it makes sense to learn.
It is impossible to prepare only one consciousness, all is very closely linked throughout the body: the mind and nervous system, and physiology. You cannot detach one from another. And this preparation is quite a hard and tough process.
There is a great experience accumulated  in the world. This process is solved by a team option. There are the so-called monasteries, ashrams, centers (in each region are different names) constructed. People there are training, performing this Path together, helping each other. About the stages of the Path we have talked many times, so it makes no sense to repeat.
Those people who can use higher levels of consciousness to communicate with their life, moving to a higher level of those same communities, monasteries, ashrams and centers. So goes the development. The development of these communities is managed by even higher levels of consciousness - those who graduated from high school, supervise those who enter it and learn.

We play the same games. Second-graders do not teach a first grader. Even the tenth does not teach a first grader. Need to finish school, high school, then go through practice and then you can teach kids. Here is the same - we make our children play the same games, only the scale is other: he digs with a shovel, and I do the same thing with a huge excavator. But I cannot give the machine to the kid, not because he is bad, just no end of problems later. Same is here.
We play like children in the same illusionary games. After all, children play, and for us their playing is an illusion. They play for themselves! Why a child plays? He develops the intellect, the coordination of movements – he’s growing. Likewise, we are passing through many lives, playing in many games and we are growing, changing minds, we begin to use more and more energy of consciousness to interact. And it should be harmoniously combined with the nervous system, physiology, psychology. Do you understand what's going on?
Now the question: Is it possible to finish school sooner? Yes! Drive around the circle of samsara is not so interesting, because there is no freedom. Here are a feeder and a corral. That’s all. And the path between them, and nothing more ... there are some fun little aside. Well, someone is happier, someone less fortunate, but it is not a substitute for those blissful states of which we are talking. There are more and more people  for whom this game is tight . Same like children who are interested to go to school ... who are interested in what is the geography, biology, chemistry, physics. Talk with a baby, he'll ask a bunch of questions: What is electricity? And why? Why? Huh? .. Likewise, there is lots of interesting for us in this world, but we need to use not the mind but consciousness. That's why there is the whole system of spiritual education.

When  the point is about the second or third phase of Awakening, about which  there is no even talk in the same web or anywhere, because the professionals do not go to such a level of communication: in the blogs ... it’s just really very primitive ...
- There is no talk about it but it exists somewhere?

Genady: It was, is and will be. Same as many institutions exist by themselves in our society. All know, guess that they are there, but nobody checks if they are there or not. Everyone knows that there are lots of various high schools. And you run and check to see there they are or not ?

- If I want to find a university, I will find it without problems. So I can get to know how to enroll it …

- In order to enroll it you need to pass the entrance exam. And that's not the fact that you go through. And to go to university you have to have a pretty good education. Good training. And then you need to learn more. On the first two courses often there is general education, as usual. You have to prove you're ready to get this profession. And you have five or six years for proving it. I mean, how many years it is? Here we have the similar system.

- And why is it that a lot of people have been looking lately but nobody tell them about here? People want and search the "university" and cannot not find it.  

- You tell them! Just begin to explain. Just when you have a basic training, you graduated from school, you can choose a profession. Then it makes sense to run on higher education. Why run for a child who does not have this basic training? While he is not yet an adult, not enough intelligence developed, he cannot become a professional. It is simply meaningless for him to go to higher institutions.
Society is like these little children and it does not make any sense to show them these higher institutions. They are not ready to become builders of the space, teachers of cosmos. So why? They are not ready for it. And that’s why all are in such situation. Well ... They are looking for ... And at the first difficulties in preparation of the body, I hear at once: "Oh no … I have there such important games. Sorry, I need to finish them...".
People are very stuck in to these games ... So it is too early to give them such things ... too early to go to university.

If you want to go to university, you have to prove your intention. Especially, if  the university is very good and prestigious.. Maybe, you’ll have to go to another country for studying. Maybe you’ll have to learn the language of this country. In England or America, for example. And it's not for one year! Well, if the holidays you can afford to go back home. You will certainly have to work there to earn your tuition. And this is - OK! Tens of thousands of people do so.
But if you say: "Oh, I have to finish playing with it and so on ..." So, how you are going to learn then? The same thing is happening here, with the spiritual education.
If you are going to get a good education in the society, then you expect some pluses: you'll earn decently, you’ll get back all the money invested, you’ll resolve problems, all will be paid off.
Here too, all will be paid off, but in another way - by natural human happiness! You will have the right to live like a normal person, i.e. you’ll really become a human. And in society you’re just a small child, who must be over the circumstances, moved by kicks towards development. You’re not interested in this anymore.
 Here, a qualitatively different stage of development of human. Absolutely qualitatively different. You can easily talk about this. There is nothing difficult. I am saying nothing new. It is usually said to those who start to study seriously. Who is ready to learn without trading, but saying: "Yes, I do need it, I understand exactly that I need it, I am ready to leave my toys and return to them only on holidays."
Holidays are only three times a year, and rest of the time – for studying. And if the group in which you learn says – let’s learn externally, then you would agree to work without a break too.
You are ruled by one thing: not to fight for the closeness to the “feeder”, not some kind of benefit ... You’re interested in something else: you want to live, you want to be called a human, you want to be worthy of that title! That's what you’re ruled with. This is a completely different category. No personal gain...
Of course, in parallel, you'll solve common household problems in life. Living in an apartment, you’ll pay for gas, electricity ... And then life, as it is not a stupid machine, life situations start changing. They're not such hard and you do not depend on them so much, i.e. Life no longer needs to give me kicks all the time, she removes them.

And now, such training is conducted in Eastern Europe. Let’s build such a center! People who really want it, who are ready, they would prove it. They would not justify that the school - it's hard, that need to do lessons every day, to perform homework, no time for toys, you get tired and all that jazz.

There is no mystery, it is a normal natural process and it’s time to say such things to people. When you are using the energy of consciousness, there’re no life difficult situations, emotions, suffering ... and people call it a blissful state. And all are chasing it, but this is only a consequence ... they forget about the responsibilities: to help those who are coming to it. I.e. any full-grown man immediately uses his knowledge, which he got ... (society, of course, is a parody of the normal people) ... he educates children in kindergarten, works in school, builds a home ... the same game. True, we have clocked up also a military-industrial complex, the state is trying to fight for markets ... well, that's nonsense, the costs of childhood. Seniors do not have such - there is no need. A person is not in danger, but his stupidity. That's it.

We're always talking about the step to the next level, to more developed one. To something that is called a human. Still we cannot claim to this title yet. We are too PERSONAL, we are disconnected from this world with our personality. This is mine, and it is yours (the world). Take a flock, there is only fighting for a place near the feeder. I.e., people believe that power and money control everything. Although they are well aware that many things are impossible to buy. Try to buy a good friend ... How much does it cost, I wonder? If a man needs something: a prostitute, a friend ... So far I have money, there are a lot of friends, but - fuckin 'friends. As soon as I got into trouble, there are no friends. Simply not there and not those friends we are looking for. That's it. I just want to say that in the society people guess about the talk is, about what friends, what relationship we will have .
 What this friendship is based on? After all, it must be based on something, some goal should be, not just feeling bad or good together.  On what is based formation of a class or group at the institute? We need to get an education. We have a common goal that brings us together. We learn together, together we pass exams, together  we try to apply our knowledge. Here is something similar.
For the sake of this we refuse on some cheap entertainment, games while learning. Especially for the period of study session ... i.e. we already have such experience, that there are times when it is difficult. Many are afraid: "Oh, a closed cycle (course of intensive training), we must refuse everything, even cell phones are taken away!" .. Yes, it is necessary so that nothing distracts you! If you’re preparing for an exam and there are only 2-3 nights ... you’ll get everything away from you, you’ll take a book, a cup of strong tea, disable your cell phone ... It is the experience of all normal people, those who study. So what? Here is the same, the same closed cycle. All have such experience, if they need something serious. Here, all the same. There's just a childish game, but here is more serious
 Now, who wants to become an adult? Here is not only advantage, but also a duty! At least on the first stage. And to everyone will be quite hard. Many are scared by this heaviness: "And may I stay a little child more?" If so, it means then by "kicks"! I.e. through-life situations, through the experiences a person will pay his inner path, i.e. ripen to adulthood.
Our experience shows that  people are not hold in kindergarten up to 30 years. I.e. the age comes when society says: "Stop!". And even if you balk by a horn, you’ll have to sit at the school desk. Here is the same - a circle of samsara will end. Here we call it as the "doomsday", Armageddon, i.e. Kindergarten  is closed, lights turn off , it’s time to learn. Something like that, the end of the world, roughly speaking.

 When switching to another frequency the curvature of space changes, time has a completely different role and, in general, it is absent often. Those who begins to feel these states, to see and hear a little, consider themselves to be almost gods already. Yes, this is ridiculous ... It's just a little closer to the first phase of awakening. I.e. some part of the personality exfoliates, a part of the little world exfoliates, and  a man is beginning to see the world more clearly. He begins to realize that kindergarten - an absurd idea that he has to work and work on himself and looking for friends, with whom he could do it together. Do it alone is complicated and difficult.
 Any questions? 
- Here’s a question… You said that ashrams and monasteries are built, in principle, for the same purpose. I, frankly, have quite unclear vision about what the Ashram. Monastery in our understanding - it is a religious system, and I would not say that tpeople there are very much moving on the Path or somehow else.

- Because it is also a game.

- Yes, perhaps, they become more humble, pure, but ... also all happens differently. Sometimes there are also such “ohoho” games.
- We can say that the monastery and the Army are similar systems. There is humility in both systems. Try to say something to a commander you’d walk on the parade ground as much as it should be! If you must crawl, you'll be crawling. Here is a broom – go and sweep the ground! I.e. there is also humility. Monastery is the same game. I mean the ideal options ... those which are often mentioned in Tibet.
But again, the monasteries can be different. There is nothing connected with religion in general. After all, what is a religion?There is a man ahead of me, say, the Buddha, who has done this way and who is the authority to me. I believe in the milestones of his way, in his teaching and trying to walk on it. Roughly speaking, I study some object or some kind of profession, and for me to have someone who’s already known it and achieved some excellence in that level for me. I’m learning from him. He is for me the authority. I'm learning to move on the path ... Only for convenience religions are divided into different regions. Asia is very different in their mentality and their games from our kindergarten - Europe.

- I have been asked if the same moving on the path could be done through a church? Why to reinvent the wheel? Here we have a church and who wants can go there. But no special result there.

- I repeat once again that this is possible in the ideal case. Monastery is of the word "mono" - the only one -the path, which is divided into 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th phase of awakening (exfoliation of personality) and we are there just for doing it. Mono -  the only one ... there is only one - the main goal. A little snack, meet some kind of needs and that’s all ... we reject other things. All entertainments, etc. That's the idea ... that’s why it's so called.
True, this state of things is terribly distorted. There, in their religion is no smell of worship, as we have it in society.

Suppose, you're a good athlete who has achieved something, you have become the coach and teach me. And I'll be at the feet of fall, say, at the expense of adoration to you I too will become the European champion. This is a complete idiocy! You’ll give me a kick and say: "take the bar, volleyball and let's train, as I do, for 8-12 hours a day. And then you will become like me ... you will have a chance too. So same is here - no smell of the worship. There is simply elementary respect for the man that is giving us knowledge. This is what all is based in the ideal. In my opinion, it is logical for any normal human being. And due to my worship to you I will not become a champion of Europe. Especially without doing much. Well, twice a day, purely conventional, will bow in your direction to the northeast. Well, this is ridiculous!
Behind this is a very different work. To do this, there are practical things how to help physiology, nervous system, mental prepare for this. Help to approach the transition to use for communication with life not the mind how we do it, but the consciousness.
Now more and more people are using these initial levels of consciousness, but it happens subconsciously, unconsciously. This is a very comfortable state, and often in the literature it is called as Real worlds. And since people like to live comfortably, they artificially create these conditions. Situations are created when you want or not want, but will come into the Real worlds and begin to use these levels of consciousness in communion with life. All extreme sports are taking it. But until you get used to them.

That is, the survival instinct will force you to use not mind, but higher levels of consciousness, because otherwise you might die. This is happening automatically, due to the nature. Nature of the organism does it in order to survive. Well, this example is very popular and visible.
By the way, for many young and strong guys, this condition is quite natural. It's artists, musicians ... they just use it more often, because otherwise they cannot create nor sing.

Property of the mind – thinking all the time, floating on the surface, jumping from one interesting to something more interesting.
Here we are talking, you listening to me, and suddenly, someone will call your name or you hear an interesting sound, then your mind will automatically switch to it. That is, the mind all the time is running around and the fact that it draws attention to what is interesting for it. If there appears something even more interesting, then it begins to jump there ... he jumps on the surface, he does not know how to go deep. He is like a mad monkey. And to do something fully, I cannot use my mind often. Creative work involves such a state, where I turn on the use of consciousness. But usually people need a long time to approach to it. If we take a poet or a musician, he says: "muse must approach ... I need only to drink, smoke." Or says another bullshit. Then again, the muse goes away ... No poetry, paints aside ... Again this muse is to be found. I.e. without this state, I cannot sing, draw.
A more professional person learns to come to this state more quickly. This experience, after many years comes. But it's not the point! He is in this state can either just sing or just to sculpt out of clay.
We are learning all the time to return to this state because it is nice among other things. We like those actions, where this happens automatically - the use of consciousness, because it's comfortable. We always have some hobbies: fishing, stamps, trips ... drink beer ... something to feel more comfortable.
People are trying to find this state because it is very comfortable. Also alcohol and drugs remove the mind, inhibit it, and then states of consciousness begin to appear. They are so blunt state, but at least not so suffer from the galloping mind. Therefore, people in Russia absolutely ruin themselves by drinking. People try to slow the mind in this way. Drugs have the same property. Food, particularly, too if in large quantities. Everyone knows that full belly is deaf to all. In principle this is a little blunt state, not sharp - the mind slows down, but it does not mean that consciousness is turned on. Just mind slows down and you feel more comfortable. But on an empty stomach all is keenly ...
The state is familiar to everyone in general.
Where to start? Practical things have already been given in Europe. On the subject, our Center offers a combination of exercise, breathing, laughing, etc.

And one more question ... In general, people are a little repelled, when we refer to the monasteries, ashrams. I understand the mission and form of the center are somewhat different, because the monastery is perceived by most as running away from life.

- I gave the example that the monastery - "mono", i.e. ideally, we refuse all and want an external pass what normally can be done for 10 years. We want to do it in six months. We just refuse all as before the session, when you need to pass the exam. If I make a fool during half a year, then the remaining two nights I have to learn everything ... or write diploma for 5 days .
But more often, it is an imitation ... In most cases, playing the same game, just pretend that they are some strange, special. And actually all the same human grater. Of course, it is impossible  to judge and blame anyone. There are normal guys. But in principle, this idea is distorted, because teachers do not want any worship at all.

- The task is to put the system of training for those who need it and give them an opportunity to learn?

- We first give some stages. To show how it is great when we begin to learn, how the world begins to change! So that we will automatically go to a different frequency and perceive the world as qualitatively quite different. The World in a rainbow colors. We are beginning to increasingly use the levels of consciousness which are higher than the mind,. And it is very comfortable.
In principle, many people want to become athletes, have good health, fame ... and life more interesting and more valuable, as they think. They do not know what is behind it. Okay, one workout, two ... Well, how - three workouts every day? Here at once: "Sorry, guys." Easier to watch the same sport on the television while lying on the couch with the chips... well, why so exert yourself?” So people think something like that.
Of course, there is no need of all these conventions in monasteries. When it is difficult, we agree that we do it ... Like any team, which urgently need to pass the object. Or there is session, and our whole group sit down and prepare for it ... or, say, a joint project. Maybe, without sleep or meal ... But this does not negate the usual some responsibilities in life. There are normal people. It’s somehow difficult to immediately discuss all the options.

In religion there’s generally a prayer. I'm not very good at it, but as I understand the mission of prayer is to improve relationships with life. No word is said about worship there. I respect this man, who was awarded the title of the Buddha and gave me some knowledge and skills ... I respect the coach who gave me some skills in biking or swimming. But I have to work myself, i.e. - ride, swim ... and work very much, if I want to learn quickly.

You see, we have touched on the theme, which is rarely where affected. People live simply in order that they live. They live and live ...without thinking. And now we start talking, what for life is given to us, who we are! It's not just because we came into this world. There is no many people who can answer this question. Now we begin to deal with these issues ... and the answer is inside each person.
We came here to do this way to understand who we are and fulfill our purpose. I.e. we do not just sit in a kindergarten in order to sit. We're playing there ... We are born into certain families to play a certain game. If I was born in the family of a lawyer or a big businessman, I have a lot of chances that I will use the father’s connections, his money. Can also become a lawyer or businessman ... such is the approximate idea ... So that I'll be in the same circle also.
In short, we are circling around the society. And all the time the conversation is about that it's not bad, even in something good. It's just like in kindergarten, the younger group.

We pose the question: "Who wants to grow out of it?" But it is work. There's no mystery. The world will be open to that person. Well, it’s like we come to the school, where is the lesson of geography and astronomy. We begin to understand that in addition to our patio, where we play in sandbox, there're continents, countries, peoples. The world is quite big. And also there are other planets, where, perhaps, is life too. The world begins to open. The same thing will happen here. All the same. We become mature and begin to use other forms of energy. Just as an adult begins to use other forms of energy, rather than the kid in the sandbox.

Nothing serious can be given to the kid... either cannot be given any weapons to him. Here is the same - you have to be worthy of this case. We do not put a little child into the plane to aviate! Why? We sorry to give or what? No, it's just silly, and sorry for the child. It's all the same.

An adult would say - in order to become a pilot I graduated first from school and then from military academy. Only then, after working at the gym, I was entrusted the aircraft. I became worthy to be called a pilot.
To be worthy to be a Buddha or somebody else need to learn too. And this work is not easier than in a military academy. Here, discipline and work too ... yeah. Well, but while I am little: "Oh, I still have fun in the yard, I'll better play." That's what everything is circling around.
If there are people ready, we'll talk ... I took the ideal option of monasteries, not like in a society often popular. But they do not advertise themselves. There get people ready to learn. Because there are advanced options, where it can be proved.

Here you'll be creating a center exactly tentative, where you‘ll be proving that you are worthy of study. This is not a month or two. And when you start building and helping people really unselfish, pure and good, then there will be selected among you those who are worthy to learn consciously in school. That is the 6th program, on which so much talk. But for it you must be taken away from the toys, because the school is not kindergarten, not a manger. And you need strive to become a worthy person to really help. And there is no such that only learning. Here, Practice includes your learning and doing at once. So we have dispelled the mystical and religious ideas a little bit.

Genady Givin, A.Sazonova, I.Firsanova

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