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Hundreds of people have passed the course of DRM
What people say after the course
 “Results exceed all my expectations. I have changed myself and it seems my relatives also are changing when they meet me. Thank you.”
Jelena Pahomova, doctor of cardiology
 “At course I found my best friend of whom I have forgotten for long time - it is laughter. I haven’t had such laughter for last 25 years.”
Nida Talon-Canlas, the best Philippine faith healer of  1998-1999
 “Thank you. I got new understanding how to unite physical and mind exercises, new understanding of man’s spirituality.”
Uldis Gravitis, head of Latvian Sport academy
 “It is miracle. After 10 days I feel like newborn, my body has rejuvenated, choke and weakness have gone. In course time I lost 6 kilos of weight. I am very grateful to our course instructors.”
Emma Jefremova, pensioner
 "I write with love and gratitude to the people who conducted this course, I am thankful to my life that I got here. Life for me has changed, improved my health, mood, I’ve become calmer, happier, improved relationships within my family. I’ve become just a happy person and got a new vision at everything. Thank you."
Olga Gerasimovich
 "Thanks to the course instructors for their patience, kindness and sensitivity! During these ten days of the course you proved to each participant how greatly and effectively worked DRM. You taught us how to do the course exercises with pleasure! I never thought before that I was able to laugh! As a result of learning I have returned to normal blood pressure (did no drink any tablets during the course), lost weather dependence, as well as dependence on food, improved sleep, my body has become more flexible,  and I’ve lost 3kg. But the main thing I have got is a good, calm, balanced mood and desire to continue to work on myself."
Ludmila Pavlova
Moscow, February 2010.
 "Two days have passed since the end of the course - and it seems now that I am missing something. I keep on doing the exercises at home with pleasure and delight.
    The course has brought into my life lots of interesting for me to comprehend. I’ve found that I can be in silence, getting rid of thoughts, and it's very nice. Training of the state of peace and silence was very soft and unobtrusive, not annoying and not repulsive, which always happens when you do not get it. I always want to return to this state. Moments of laughter – it was an interesting experience that I wish everyone to try. I have never thought that I could laugh without any reason, but even so heartily, sincerely, and for so long. But the main thing after that - some state of union with others and release. Everyone in the group seemed to be such family and friends, and just due to a good laugh together!
    Diet during the course contributed to the light perception of all exercises, to more profound sensations in the body. I’ve started to feel my body, love it. And it's great! It’s become lighter and more mobile.
    I am very impressed with the instructor’s attentive attitude to everyone during the entire course.
    I loved everything in the course. It was a huge advantage for me and I have a desire to continue this way of self-development through your school! THANK YOU!"
Moscow, February 2010.
   "I got to the course thanks to a happy coincidence. I just wanted  to get some rest through the course. My condition before the course was quite hysterical and negative - children, work, any small domestic problem brought me in to tears. On the first day of the course I felt better, it became easier to breathe, walk, look at the world. The method intrigued me and I climbed on the Internet to understand it better.
    A unique methodology of the course allows people to quickly establish a meaningful dialog with their own life, to feel truly ALIVE, worthy of happiness and love, to return to the state of a child - naive, full of expectation of a miracle.
    Andrey, the instructor of the course, brilliantly managed to create a warm and cozy atmosphere of openness, he was able to unite 20 people completely different in age and social status by the general idea.
    The most difficult exercise for me was, oddly enough, the laughter - a powerful tool for getting rid of the internal locks. I honestly tried to laugh as much as I could, sometimes with tears instead of laughter.
    With the course progressing I was feeling more confident in myself, and also got a confidence that life would take care of me as a loving and caring parent, itself, without any effort on my part. My relationships within the family have established, my work capacity and my creative component have improved. It is interesting, but even my metabolism has changed - I eat less now, sleep less and still feel full of strength. Now I have enough energy to achieve my goals.
    When doing a step towards the Nature, the space around becomes to a harmony itself, circumstances become successful. Our problems we create ourselves. Life is only a mirror of our inner state.
    Those, who passed the course, have an opportunity to continue on a regular basis in the Club to consolidate the obtained effect and be able to move forward to develop together.
    It is a pity that I cannot now to attend the club classes regularly. I will certainly continue to practice at home. I do not want to lose my newfound state."

Moscow, February 2010.
   "I came to the course to improve my health, but have got much more there: a new vision of life, a new attitude to life and direction in life.
 I’ve realized that I can live my regular life much better, richer. The most important thing is understanding that everything in my hands and everything is possible. And this thought makes me feel so good at heart. Here on the course I really felt a purely human support, warmth, acceptance. Also I have got a deeper understanding of "The Seagull ..." by Richard Bach, and have a desire, but rather – the aspiration to be on the Path."
Nuria A.
Moscow, July 2010
   " From the first day of the course I felt that what I was looking for could be found only by my going to meet it. All I had been doing before - was expecting something to come to me itself or I was reading all sorts of instructions on how to get somewhere, without understanding why I needed to go there. I did not understand it on the course. I felt it …myself…without any kind of pressure, influence, hypnosis, zombie, evidence. Somewhere on the site hangs a phrase about the Vedic knowledge. Veda - is to KNOW. That is true. You just know, not by mind, but through the senses, which impossible to cheat, because it is our soul.
    Of course, there are difficulties - the intellect is very strong and aggressive and will defend its well-established status quo. Changes are painful. But when you know for what, then there’s no fear.
    There is no any ritual-mystical things and other nonsense. This is the Practice. Want to get the harvest - take a shovel and go dig a vegetable garden. Of course it will be hard, especially for those who all their lives have been lying on the couch and complaining that no fresh green vegetables.
    I think that is the main thing. But as a side effect – I’ve lost weight of 7-8 kg, have become physically and mentally lighter, younger, happier, easier. Life has disclosed new facets to which I had not simply paid attention before. Black Film "again Monday" is becoming the romantic-epic-dramatic-fantastic best 3D blockbuster of the year - "IT’S MY LIFE." :)) I’ve felt a powerful revaluation. There are ups and downs, but the overall curve is gradually creeping up. Those who want to go on the course for the sake of improving the health or some other bonuses, it's certainly worth doing, just  take it seriously and consciously.  I’ve found something for what I am very pleased and grateful to Life.
   During the course I was spontaneously visited by such moments of bliss, which are difficult to describe in words. This was more than happiness or good mood, but exactly the bliss when it becomes difficult to think, walk, talk, and generally to do something. Feeling of love, gratitude, forgiveness, everything were so bursting me that I just wanted to live, to enjoy this state. Even tears of joy flowed from my eyes then.
Though of course on the course DRM you are given just to touch, see through the keyhole, as how the world can be different. And now I'm slightly rolled back, but the experience is still bright in my memory. The most important thing is not to spill reached and continue on the Path.
    I wish all people the understanding of their Life! It's simple - go to a meeting with Life, it has long been calling you to itself and standing with outstretched arms, like a mother waiting for her child after a long separation.
Love and happiness to everyone!"
Sergey Kuznetsov, 14 January 2010.
 "I learned about the course just a few days before it started in Moscow. The newsletter said that the course would help remove the deepest internal blocks, and teach a deep relaxation. So I signed up to it.
I decided to try another physical practice, which I had already passed several, and I wrote in the questionnaire that I wanted to learn to communicate better with my body, to help it.
    Already after the third session of the course, I realized that DRM is not quite the physical practice, or rather is not it at all. The changes that occurred with my body were not expected from the physical practice.
I had lots of business trips and before classes started I just had glanced at the site of the organizers, not reading it carefully.
    First, my emotional state has changed. I’ve stopped being deadbeat, and begun to do more work with less fuss.
    I have been visited by the states of absolute unreasonable happiness. I’ve got my voice stronger, increased stress resistance. I do not need much time for sleep.
    I’ve found changes in my body: improved skin condition, the pain in my feet tormented me before has left (walking 15-20 minutes light was already a problem for me in the last few months and I had to find a place to sit, relax). Pain in all other painful areas has also decreased. I have started feeling my body and its sore spots much better. My weight has reduced but sense of smell has increased.
    But the main thing for me - I was taught on the course how to be open-hearted, I’ve learned to forgive and got quite a different look at our lives, our health and why we came into this world.
    I recommend the course "Laughter  Therapy and DRM" to all who care about their physical and spiritual health.
    Many thanks to Andrey Bashun for his patience in teaching and popularization of the Knowledge.
 About my participation  in the club's Spiritual Practice sessions in Latvia.
  I was fortunate that at the end of the course DRM in Moscow, I had a valid Schengen visa and I was able to take part in club sessions of  Spiritual Practice in Latvia. I came from Ukraine to Riga mainly in order to improve my health more and get answers to many questions about Life which disturbed me for a long time. I was learning there only for 8 days, but the changes that occurred in me did not correspond to such a short period of time.
Changes in health: My neck has stopped hurting (from cervical degenerative disc disease I had long vertigo). My digestive tract has calmed down. The old tailbone injury has stopped to disturb me. Pain in the thoracic region decreased significantly. But the major changes have taken place with my morale.Many thanks to the Teacher for his unearthly patience in answering questions. The only his presence makes the Practice much brighter. I practiced yoga before, the raw food diet and exercise on concentration, and for me it is clear that the results obtained from the Practice is not a set of results from the components but the result of an entirely different order, the result of a more close contact with Life. The idea of Enlightenment or Realization  ephemeral for me before has become more understandable. Role-playing, backed by fear, and in which me and people around are engaged, has become evident, especially just after the exercise when you feel clean, like a baby. New elements allowed me to more open my heart and feel the things about which many write, but only a few know how to do. I was allowed through the Practice to experience a constant and confused dictate of my mind and hope that this situation can be changed and it's more than real, and that the only thing you need is unite the efforts of everyone.
    I wish all to pass a basic DRM and go further .Guys, this is just the beginning, we need each other.
    Many thanks to the Teacher for his efforts, patience and support."
With gratitude,Gennady Kozhushok.
Moscow, 8 January 2010

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